By a letter released November 15, 2013 the IRS has confirmed that most recent (and future) California short sales will not generate taxable cancellation of debt income. While this letter was issued in the context of short sales occurring after 2013 the reasoning applies to many short sales all the way back to January 1, 2011 when California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) Section 580e first became effective.
The IRS letter dated September 19, 2013 was a response to one sent from California Senator Boxer but the Senator’s office did not release it until November 15. Both letters are available to free subscribers at the end of this article.
[Note: This article is educational and does not constitute attorney-client advice or establish an attorney-client relationship. While the author believes the opinions stated are valid, the author does not accept liability for any reader relying upon them without establishing a direct, compensated, attorney-client relationship. Please check with your own tax and legal adviser or retain the author to determine how this applies to any specific situation.]
Many California short sale sellers have Read the rest of this entry »